The second part of this series has the goalkeeper start in a set position with their knees slightly bent and their feet about shoulder width apart. The goalkeeper should place their weight on the center of their feet erring towards putting it slightly forward rather than back. Moreover, the shoulder blades of the goalkeeper should be slightly back in an athletic and good posture keeping the sternum facing the attacker and straight out rather than caved in.
The goalkeeper coach starts this drill between 6-8 yards away with the aim of hitting the ball at the goalkeeper’s chest. Furthermore, the service should be from either a volley or half-volley, striking the ball from the ground or an underhand toss.
It is important to reiterate that the goalkeeper should attack the ball extending his or her hands trying to make first contact with their fingertips. Additionally, eye contact should be maintained with the ball throughout its entire flight. For a more in-depth explanations of the hands and arms technique when catching, read part one of this series.
Overall, this drill provides a simple way to work on the details required for catching with the range of its applicability applying to all ages and skill levels. Simple drills like these are the type of things that goalkeepers such as Jan Oblak, David De Gea or Marc Andre Ter Stegen have perfected to reach new heights in their game.
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